Are you a teacher, occupational therapist, psychologist or other professional interested in students with learning and behavioural challenges? If so, you may be interested in further training to have a broader understanding of the relationship between a child’s early development and learning so they can fully engage in their educational experience. 

The Extra Lesson® Training Course is based on The Extra Lesson, which was developed by Audrey McAllen in England from the holistic developmental perspective of Rudolf Steiner’s education of the child.

The full practitioner course is at a post-graduate level and so a pre-requisite is a degree, unless a person is able to show they have the equivalent prior learning to a degree. 

The course is predominantly distance-run and spans 6 consecutive semesters. It involves two intensive workshops a year with private study and practical work with children throughout each semester. The modules are made up of a range of topics which are cumulative and progressive, to build the theory and practical application. The modules are not taught as separate units but are covered over several workshops.

This is Workshop 1 (2nd Intake) for the full training and is part of Semester 1. Subsequent workshops are held in Sydney and are expected as follows:

Workshop 2 - Oct 2024 Semester 2

Workshop 3 - Apr 2025 Semester 3

Workshop 4 - Sep/Oct 2025 Semester 4

Workshop 5 - Apr 2026 Semester 5

Workshop 6 - Sep/Oct 2026 Semester 6