Workshop Information
Enrolments are now being taken for the second intake for the course in Hyderabad, India.
The second intake days will cover the full content of Workshop 1. Participants will then join Workshop 2, commencing Monday 11th through to Saturday 16th April (6 days).
The Extra Lesson course is at a post-graduate level and so a pre-requisite is a degree, unless a person is able to show they have the equivalent prior learning to a degree. It involves two intensive workshops a year, over 6 consecutive semesters. Each workshop is followed by distance learning including private study and work with children to integrate the theory and practical aspects.
The modules for the course are made up of a range of topics which are cumulative and progressive, to build the theory and practical application. The modules are not taught as separate units but are covered over several workshops. (icon to click back to module info)
On completion of the course you receive a certificate from the Extra Lesson® Institute. The training provides you with deeper insights into the developmental process of the child and practical ways to work with a child with developmental, coordination, sensory and learning needs. The faculty staff is qualified health and/or teaching professionals, practising with the Extra Lesson, with extensive experience working with children in this area. The certificate allows you to become a full member of The Asia Pacific Extra Lesson® Association (APELA) and be registered to practise as an Extra Lesson practitioner.
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